Absolute encoders operate on a question-answer system, completely different from incremental encoders. During the operation of an absolute encoder, an outside controller locates the encoder position. The encoder sends the controller its ID codes, data bits, and end bits. Each step in the process takes time and varies from model to model and manufacturer to manufacturer. The differing data protocols allow users to set various bit rates (Baud), types of error codes, and data styles.
Due to all the variations, absolute encoder manufacturers rarely publish the speed rate.
It is typical for absolute encoders to have a 100 usec calculate time. In BiSS-C , there is a 40 usec forced wait time before sending data. Depending on the baud rate and the number of bits to be sent, the wait time can also be 100’s of usec’s long followed be another 40 usec quiet time. Absolute encoders may only run through a few hundred “position reads” per second. However, it very complicated to calculate a specific bit transfer speed.