ISD25 Intrinsically Safe Encoder
Incremental hubshaft encoder, IP67 sealing, 400G shock and 20G vibration rated. ATEX, IECEx, CSA triple certified. Must use encoder with an intrinsi...
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ATEX encoders and other hazardous area encoders are used where flammable liquids, vapors, gases or combustible dusts are likely to occur including oil & gas exploration, grain silos as well as paint and other chemical production. Dynapar offers several rotary encoders designed for these environments with varying degrees of zone and class/div protection ratings and certified by organizations including UL rated encoders, ATEX encoders, IECEx and CSA. Intrinsically safe encoders are used in conjunction with a barrier which limits the energy in the encoder so that any arcs or sparks do not have enough energy to ignite.
Download our white paper about the latest feedback solutions for the oil & gas industry
ATEX encoders confirm to the requirements of the ATEX 214 equipment directive for potentially explosive atmospheres. A certification of compliance and mark issued by a certifying body authorizes the use of the encoder in a specific explosive environment with a specific level of risk.
The term Ex is a general term referring to encoders and sensors that qualify for use in a Hazardous or Explosive environment versus a Safe or General Purpose area. To support correct specification an equipment manufacturer will want to know what standard(s) and area classification needs to be met.
ATEX encoders are classified by the area or Zone they are qualified to operate in, whether the hazard is gas or dust, the technique used for protection and the maximum safe operating temperature. A product marking will be issued by the certifying body for the specific area which can be seen on each product datasheet.
Depending on the area classification and market preferences, manufacturers will commonly design product for ATEX compliance using Flameproof (similar to explosion proof), Intrinsically Safe, Increased Safety, Non Incendiary and Encapsulation techniques, as well as combinations of techniques. Choose the device that meets the Area Classification first, followed by other application preferences.
Learn more about hazardous area encoders and protection methods here
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